Caring Arms

Making the Most of NDIS Funding

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides essential support to individuals with disabilities in Australia. To make the most of your NDIS funding, it's crucial to understand the different categories of supports available to you. We will guide you through the three main categories of NDIS supports and provide valuable tips and strategies for maximizing your NDIS funding.

Understanding the Three Categories of NDIS Supports

Core Supports: Funding for Daily Living Activities

Core Supports cover assistance with your everyday activities and help you maintain your independence. This category includes funding for supports like personal care, community participation, and consumables. To maximize your Core Supports funding, consider the following:

  1. a) Set clear goals: Clearly articulate your specific needs and goals to your NDIS planner. This will help ensure that your Core Supports funding aligns with your requirements.
  2. b) Explore flexible options: Investigate different service providers and options available within your community. Look for providers who offer competitive pricing and quality services to make your funding stretch further.
  3. c) Regular plan reviews: Request regular plan reviews to reassess your needs and adjust your funding allocation accordingly. Changes in your circumstances or progress toward your goals may necessitate adjustments to your Core Supports budget.

Capital Supports: Funding for Assistive Technology and Home Modifications

Capital Supports provide funding for items and modifications that improve your independence and accessibility. This category covers assistive technology, home modifications, and vehicle modifications. Consider the following strategies to make the most of your Capital Supports funding:

  1. a) Research and compare: Conduct thorough research to identify the most suitable assistive technology and modifications for your needs. Compare prices, warranties, and functionality to ensure you make informed decisions.
  2. b) Future-proof your choices: Consider the long-term viability of the items or modifications you select. Choose options that can adapt to your changing needs over time, reducing the need for frequent replacements or additional funding.
  3. c) Seek professional advice: Consult experts such as occupational therapists or accessibility consultants to guide you in selecting the right assistive technology and modifications. Their expertise can help you make more informed choices that align with your goals and requirements.

Capacity Building Supports: Funding for Skill Development and Training

Capacity Building Supports aim to enhance your skills, independence, and community participation. This category covers funding for training, therapy, support coordination, and social participation. To maximize your Capacity Building Supports funding, consider the following tips:

  1. a) Develop a comprehensive plan: Work closely with your support coordinator or service provider to develop a detailed plan for skill development and training. Identify specific areas where you want to grow and set achievable goals.
  2. b) Embrace group programs: Participating in group programs and training sessions can often be more cost effective than individual sessions. Explore group options that align with your goals to maximize the value of your funding.
  3. c) Regularly review progress: Periodically assess your progress toward your skill development goals. Discuss any adjustments or modifications that may be necessary with your support coordinator to ensure your funding continues to be utilized effectively.


Tips and Strategies for Maximizing NDIS Funding

Engage with your support network: Involve your family, friends, and support workers in the planning process. Their insights and experiences can provide valuable guidance on how to optimize your NDIS funding.

Keep accurate records: Maintain detailed records of your expenses and services received. This documentation will assist you during plan reviews and ensure you have a clear overview of your funding utilization.

Stay informed: Regularly keep up-to-date with NDIS policies and guidelines. Being aware of any changes or updates can help you take advantage of new opportunities and initiatives.

Advocate for yourself: Be proactive in advocating for your needs and preferences. Communicate clearly with your support coordinator and service providers to ensure they understand your goals and can assist you in maximizing your funding

Explore additional funding options: Investigate other potential funding sources that may complement your NDIS funding, such as state or local government programs, grants, or community organizations.


Making the most of your NDIS funding requires a combination of understanding the different categories of supports, setting clear goals, researching options, and staying proactive. By utilizing the strategies and tips outlined in this blog, you can maximize your NDIS funding and receive the support you need to enhance your independence, well-being, and community participation. Remember to regularly review your plan and adapt as your needs change, ensuring your funding continues to meet your evolving requirements.